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Hello From Ada Bea!

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Hello, my name is Ada Bea and I’m a Vintage Sheet Addict! Oh Dear, that’s perhaps not the best way to introduce myself!

Actually, I’m not just a Vintage Sheet Addict, I’m a 1970s Wallpaper Addict too! I’ve amassed quite a collection over the years, my family thinks too many, but of course I disagree!

I haven’t been blogging for very long, so this is still all new to me. My style, if you can call it that, is very home spun (slap dash?!), I never really plan what I’m going to write. I’m a ‘by-the-seat-of-her-pants!’ kind of blogger! I hope you won’t mind this approach!

I must say, I am a little nervous about all this Guest Blogging Malarkey. It’s not that I don’t want to help out another Bloggy Friend, but it’s just that I don’t understand all this technical stuff!

I am really rubbish, really, really rubbish! Computers seems to shut down or misbehave whenever I get too close. I am working on the principle that it’s like when dogs smell fear in humans, they are more likely to attack. I must emit an electrical vibe that causes computers to misbehave! If I manage to post this, a small miracle will have happened before your very eyes! Well, I suppose it is Christmas……

Anyway, I digress, that can happen when you don’t plan what you are going to write!

You have me for sometime I’m afraid, so in order not to bore you too much, I will do some normal posts (sorry can’t even say what they will be, as I don’t know myself yet!) and have some posts just with photos, bit of vintage eye candy, so to speak!

Bye for now!

Ada Bea (not my actual name, but that’s another story!) 🙂 x


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